SR Media Center

The purpose of the Media Center at Sunrise Elementary is to support the philosophy of the school, sharing and implementing its aims and objectives. It is the responsibility of the librarian / media specialist to make available to students and teachers a wide variety of information, both print and non-print, to meet instructional and recreational needs. The library media specialist provides library skill instruction for each class on a rotating basis. Students learn to locate and properly use library materials.

Sunrise Media Links

Online Library Links

Missouri Association of School Librarians Awards

  • Show Me Readers Award Nominee Books - appropriate for grades 2 and 3. Students read 10 Show Me Reader nominees with Mrs. Crook and then vote fon their favorite book in March.

  • Missouri Association of School Librarians

    Mark Twain Readers Award Nominee Books - appropriate for grades 4, 5, and 6. After completing each book, student fill out a form with Mrs. Crook. The students that read at least 4 Mark Twain Reader nominees will vote on their favorite book in March.

  • 5th Grade Book Club-meets after school once a week during the first semester. Students read 4 books from the current Mark Twain Readers Award list will be provided to each student to read. This is a first come first serve book club and helps promote the love of reading.

  • Readers Award Books - Link to Missouri Association of School Librarians with more information about the awards

Sunrise students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of reading programs.

Mindi Crook


Mrs. Mindi Crook, Sunrise Librarian

(816) 776-3059